Low Price : Sibelius 6 Student
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@@@ Product Details : Sibelius 6 Student
- Compose for any ensemble of up to 12 staves, including guitar tablature and percussion notation
- Automatic collision avoidance by default. Magnetic Layout prevents you needing to worry about score preparation and layout.
- Classroom Control lets teachers see at a glance what students are working on, push/pull files and freeze workstations, all from a single, simple window
- The Keyboard window allows you to input notes by clicking on keys, or by playing your computer's Qwerty keyboard like a piano
- Create multiple versions of a score within the same file with optional comments, or add sticky PostIt-style comments to a score
@@@ Sibelius 6 Student - - Review by Dane
I been given Sibelius 6 Student - items the other day. It worked exactly as promoted. Fantastic unit. User hospitable to the level that I did not will need to look over any guidance to operate. Checked the distances with other items and seems to be to be very appropriate. Lucky I made the buy. I would highly recommend this product to you.
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